The Battle of Crete & Greece Commemorative Council of Victoria in conjunction with the Epping RSL Sub Branch hosted the official Commemorative Plaque Unveiling Ceremony at the Epping RSL Headquarters.

The Plaque was unveiled by the ANZAC Crete Descendant Councillor Laurie Cox, whose father fought in the Battle of Crete in 1941 marking the special bonds forged between Greeks and Australians on the Battle Fields of Greece. Also in attendance was Vice Admiral Ioannis Paxivanakis and Lieutenant Colonel Christos Anastasiadis from the Hellenic Defence Forces, Consul General of Greek in Melbourne Dimitrios Michalopoulos, Epping RSL President Mr. Kevin Ind, Minister for Energy Mrs Lily D’ Ambrosio, Minister for Immigration Andrew Giles, Local Councillors Kris Pavlidis and Mary Lalios, the Chairman of the Battle of Crete & Greece Commemorative Council of Victoria Mr. Antonis Tsourdalakis and the President of the Cretan Brotherhood of Melbourne Mr. Michael Houdalakis.

